Promise Keeper - Resources
Week 1 (Introduction to Covenants) - In our first week exploring the covenants found in Scripture, we begin by looking at the concept of a covenant. This lesson will focus on the types of covenants found in Scripture, what the covenants tells us about God's nature, and how your biblical hermeneutics will determine how you understand the covenants. Week 1 Notes include: Powerpoint Presentation & Notes.
Week 2 (Abrahamic Covenant) - In Genesis a great covenant is made with Abraham, but what exactly does this promise entail? Join us this week as we explore the Abrahamic Covenant and its implications for how we understand ourselves and the nation of Israel. Week 2 notes include: Powerpoint Presentation.
Week 2 (Abrahamic Covenant) - In Genesis a great covenant is made with Abraham, but what exactly does this promise entail? Join us this week as we explore the Abrahamic Covenant and its implications for how we understand ourselves and the nation of Israel. Week 2 notes include: Powerpoint Presentation.
Systematic Theology - Resources
Week 1 (The Doctrine of Scripture): The beginning point for any discussion on systematic Theology begins with a proper understanding of the Word of God. Join us as Dr. Randy Fryar begins our study into the world of Systematic Theology. Week 1 documents include: Powerpoint Presentation & Notes.
Week 2 (The Doctrine of God): Who is God and what is He like? These are the fundamental questions that the Doctrine of God seeks to explore. Using Scripture as our guide, follow along with us as Dr. Justin Kinsley shows us what the Bible says about the nature and attributes of God. Week 2 documents include: Powerpoint Presentation & Chapter from A.W. Tozer's "Knowledge of the Holy."
Week 3 (The Doctrine of the Trinity): The Bible whole heartedly testifies to the fact that there is one God in three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In this week's lesson, come alongside pastor Jay Risner as he leads us through the biblical and historical warrant for the theology of the Trinity. Week 3 documents include: Powerpoint Presentation & Notes.
Week 4 (Christology): Who is the Christ? Knowing Jesus Christ as wholly God and wholly man is a doctrine that distinguishes Christianity from many other religions. Join us as we explore with Sam Hitchcock what the Bible has to say concerning the person, nature, and work of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Week 4 documents include: Powerpoint Presentation, Extra-Biblical Evidence for Jesus' Existence, & the Chalcedonian Definition.
Week 5 (The Doctrine of Man): Created in the image of God, mankind is unique among all the created order. Yet the Bible, and our own experience, testifies to the truth that mankind has sinned, and as sinners we all are in desperate need of a Savior. Week 5 documents include: Powerpoint Presentation & Notes.
Week 6 & 7 (Soteriology): How might we be saved? Understanding God's plan for salvation is key for anyone seeking the truth, so it is vital that we grasp just what the Bible has to say on this important topic. Join us in part one of our study on what the Bible has to say about the theology of salvation. Week 6 & 7 documents include: Powerpoint Presentation & Notes.
Week 8 (Ecclesiology): What is the church and what is our role within it? Explore with us why God's assembled believers is an integral part of our faith and walk with the Lord. Week 8 documents include: Powerpoint Presentation.
Week 9 (Pneumatology): For many it can seem that the topic of the Holy Spirit is shrouded in confusion, yet the Bible tells us quite a lot concerning the ministry and personhood of the Holy Spirit. Join us as we explore what the Bible has to say about the third person of the Trinity in this study on pneumatology. Week 9 documents include: Powerpoint Presentation, Essay on the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, Essay on the Gift of Prophecy, Essay on the Case for Temporary Gifts & an Essay on the Spiritual Gifts.
Week 10 & 11 (Eschatology): God has secured the future and has revealed how his story will end. Join us for a two week series on the study of the end times. In the first presentation we will look at the four main views of eschatology and the three views concerning the millennium. The second presentation will then focus on the timing of the tribulation and the rapture. Week 10 & 11 documents include: Week 10 Powerpoint Presentation.
Bonus Lesson (Angels, Satan, and Demons): There is a lot of misunderstanding around the topic of angels in our broader culture, yet the Bible tells us quite a bit about their nature and activity within creation. Join us for a bonus week of Core Training as we explore the Doctrine of Angels, Satan and Demons. Bonus week documents include: Powerpoint Presentation & Notes.
Week 2 (The Doctrine of God): Who is God and what is He like? These are the fundamental questions that the Doctrine of God seeks to explore. Using Scripture as our guide, follow along with us as Dr. Justin Kinsley shows us what the Bible says about the nature and attributes of God. Week 2 documents include: Powerpoint Presentation & Chapter from A.W. Tozer's "Knowledge of the Holy."
Week 3 (The Doctrine of the Trinity): The Bible whole heartedly testifies to the fact that there is one God in three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In this week's lesson, come alongside pastor Jay Risner as he leads us through the biblical and historical warrant for the theology of the Trinity. Week 3 documents include: Powerpoint Presentation & Notes.
Week 4 (Christology): Who is the Christ? Knowing Jesus Christ as wholly God and wholly man is a doctrine that distinguishes Christianity from many other religions. Join us as we explore with Sam Hitchcock what the Bible has to say concerning the person, nature, and work of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Week 4 documents include: Powerpoint Presentation, Extra-Biblical Evidence for Jesus' Existence, & the Chalcedonian Definition.
Week 5 (The Doctrine of Man): Created in the image of God, mankind is unique among all the created order. Yet the Bible, and our own experience, testifies to the truth that mankind has sinned, and as sinners we all are in desperate need of a Savior. Week 5 documents include: Powerpoint Presentation & Notes.
Week 6 & 7 (Soteriology): How might we be saved? Understanding God's plan for salvation is key for anyone seeking the truth, so it is vital that we grasp just what the Bible has to say on this important topic. Join us in part one of our study on what the Bible has to say about the theology of salvation. Week 6 & 7 documents include: Powerpoint Presentation & Notes.
Week 8 (Ecclesiology): What is the church and what is our role within it? Explore with us why God's assembled believers is an integral part of our faith and walk with the Lord. Week 8 documents include: Powerpoint Presentation.
Week 9 (Pneumatology): For many it can seem that the topic of the Holy Spirit is shrouded in confusion, yet the Bible tells us quite a lot concerning the ministry and personhood of the Holy Spirit. Join us as we explore what the Bible has to say about the third person of the Trinity in this study on pneumatology. Week 9 documents include: Powerpoint Presentation, Essay on the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, Essay on the Gift of Prophecy, Essay on the Case for Temporary Gifts & an Essay on the Spiritual Gifts.
Week 10 & 11 (Eschatology): God has secured the future and has revealed how his story will end. Join us for a two week series on the study of the end times. In the first presentation we will look at the four main views of eschatology and the three views concerning the millennium. The second presentation will then focus on the timing of the tribulation and the rapture. Week 10 & 11 documents include: Week 10 Powerpoint Presentation.
Bonus Lesson (Angels, Satan, and Demons): There is a lot of misunderstanding around the topic of angels in our broader culture, yet the Bible tells us quite a bit about their nature and activity within creation. Join us for a bonus week of Core Training as we explore the Doctrine of Angels, Satan and Demons. Bonus week documents include: Powerpoint Presentation & Notes.
Eschatology (pt. 2)-Week 11
Nov 20, 2024 • Dr. Mark Hitchcock
Eschatology (pt. 1)-Week 10
Nov 13, 2024 • Dr. Mark Hitchcock
Pneumatology - Week 9
Nov 6, 2024 • Dr. Steve Sullivan
Ecclesiology - Week 8
Oct 23, 2024 • Pastor Jay Risner
Soteriology (pt 2) - Week 7
Oct 9, 2024
Soteriology (pt 1) - Week 6
Oct 2, 2024 • Pastor Greg Pierce
Doctrine of Man - Week 5
Sep 25, 2024 • Randy Fryar
Christology - Week 4
Sep 18, 2024 • Sam Hitchcock
Trinity - Week 3
Sep 11, 2024 • Pastor Jay Risner
Doctrine of God - Week 2
Sep 4, 2024 • Dr. Justin Kinsley
Bibliology - Week 1
Aug 28, 2024 • Randy Fryar
Birth of the Church - Resources
Week 1 (Background to the Birth of the Church): In God's sovereign care, history was primed for the coming of Christ and the explosion of the church into the first century world. Join us as we look at the background setting of the world in which the church first began. Week 1 documents include: Powerpoint Presentation & Notes.
Week 2 (The Beginnings of the Church): After the resurrection of Christ and His ascension into heaven, the Apostles took the Good News across the known world. This week we explore how the message of Christ expanded from a small region in Israel to the far ends of the Roman Empire through work and dedication of the Lord's Disciples. Week 2 documents include: Powerpoint Presentation & Notes.
Week 3 (The Apostolic Fathers): After the Lord's Disciples died, the church continued to expand through the work, writings, and influence of the Apostolic Fathers. Through the writings of these men we can get a glimpse into the life of the church in the early second century. Week 3 documents include: Powerpoint Presentation & Notes.
Week 4 (Life & Worship): Often in our twenty-first century world we desire to go back to the simplicity of the earliest church, so in this lesson we explore the life and worship of the earliest church. Through the writings of Justin Martyr we examine what the church looked like, how they worshiped, how the church was governed, and what outsiders thought of believers. Week 4 documents include: Powerpoint Presentation and Notes.
Week 5 (Persecution): Life in the early church was often fraught with times of mistreatment. Scattered persecution was a common theme among many different Roman Emperors who sought to dissuade the rising Christian movement, yet in the middle of it all, Christ's message continued to gain steam. Week 5 documents include: Powerpoint Presentation & Notes.
Week 6 (The Apologists): As a growing number of people began to contemplate the claims of Christianity, a group of intellectual philosophers, called the Apologists, rose to prominence to defend the truth of the church's claims about Christ. Week 6 documents include: Powerpoint Presentation & Notes. No video for this week.
Week 7 (Early Heresies & the Church's Response): Not long into its history, the church began to be confronted with extra-biblical and heretical ideas about Christianity. Join us as we look at the primary heretical ideas that circulated in some parts of the early church, along with the way the church combated such thoughts. Week 7 documents include: Powerpoint Presentation and Notes.
Week 8 (Church Fathers pt 1): In part one of this lesson, we explore the influence of the city Carthage on the growth of the Church. Two major Church Fathers arose to prominence in this city (Tertullian and Cyprian) whose influence and writings would impact the church for years to come. Week 8 documents include: Powerpoint Presentation & Notes.
Week 9 (Church Fathers pt 2): In part two of this lesson, we explore the influence of the cities of Alexandria and Rome, along with several other important figures who rose from these cities. Men such as Clement of Alexandria and Origen would serve as the primary church figures from this time, whose work has had lasting ramifications for the church. Week 9 documents include: Powerpoint Presentation & Notes.
Week 10 (Constantine): The Roman Emperor Constantine would serve as one of the most important figures in church history, whose impact not only allowed the church to live in peace without the fear of persecution, but it also led to the institutionalization of the Roman Catholic Church. Week 10 documents include: Powerpoint Presentation & Notes.
Week 11 (Who is Jesus pt 1): In part one of this lesson, we explore how the early church began to wrestle with the work, person, humanity, and divinity of Jesus Christ. While various answers were given, it wasn't until several councils were formed that a standardized dogma concerning Christ was formed. Week 11 notes include: Powerpoint Presentation & Notes.
Week 12 (Who is Jesus pt 2): In part two of this lesson, we continue our exploration of how the early church began to understand the work, person, humanity, and divinity of Christ, with specific emphasis on how the Roman government impacted the debate. Week 12 notes include: Powerpoint Presentation & Notes.
Week 2 (The Beginnings of the Church): After the resurrection of Christ and His ascension into heaven, the Apostles took the Good News across the known world. This week we explore how the message of Christ expanded from a small region in Israel to the far ends of the Roman Empire through work and dedication of the Lord's Disciples. Week 2 documents include: Powerpoint Presentation & Notes.
Week 3 (The Apostolic Fathers): After the Lord's Disciples died, the church continued to expand through the work, writings, and influence of the Apostolic Fathers. Through the writings of these men we can get a glimpse into the life of the church in the early second century. Week 3 documents include: Powerpoint Presentation & Notes.
Week 4 (Life & Worship): Often in our twenty-first century world we desire to go back to the simplicity of the earliest church, so in this lesson we explore the life and worship of the earliest church. Through the writings of Justin Martyr we examine what the church looked like, how they worshiped, how the church was governed, and what outsiders thought of believers. Week 4 documents include: Powerpoint Presentation and Notes.
Week 5 (Persecution): Life in the early church was often fraught with times of mistreatment. Scattered persecution was a common theme among many different Roman Emperors who sought to dissuade the rising Christian movement, yet in the middle of it all, Christ's message continued to gain steam. Week 5 documents include: Powerpoint Presentation & Notes.
Week 6 (The Apologists): As a growing number of people began to contemplate the claims of Christianity, a group of intellectual philosophers, called the Apologists, rose to prominence to defend the truth of the church's claims about Christ. Week 6 documents include: Powerpoint Presentation & Notes. No video for this week.
Week 7 (Early Heresies & the Church's Response): Not long into its history, the church began to be confronted with extra-biblical and heretical ideas about Christianity. Join us as we look at the primary heretical ideas that circulated in some parts of the early church, along with the way the church combated such thoughts. Week 7 documents include: Powerpoint Presentation and Notes.
Week 8 (Church Fathers pt 1): In part one of this lesson, we explore the influence of the city Carthage on the growth of the Church. Two major Church Fathers arose to prominence in this city (Tertullian and Cyprian) whose influence and writings would impact the church for years to come. Week 8 documents include: Powerpoint Presentation & Notes.
Week 9 (Church Fathers pt 2): In part two of this lesson, we explore the influence of the cities of Alexandria and Rome, along with several other important figures who rose from these cities. Men such as Clement of Alexandria and Origen would serve as the primary church figures from this time, whose work has had lasting ramifications for the church. Week 9 documents include: Powerpoint Presentation & Notes.
Week 10 (Constantine): The Roman Emperor Constantine would serve as one of the most important figures in church history, whose impact not only allowed the church to live in peace without the fear of persecution, but it also led to the institutionalization of the Roman Catholic Church. Week 10 documents include: Powerpoint Presentation & Notes.
Week 11 (Who is Jesus pt 1): In part one of this lesson, we explore how the early church began to wrestle with the work, person, humanity, and divinity of Jesus Christ. While various answers were given, it wasn't until several councils were formed that a standardized dogma concerning Christ was formed. Week 11 notes include: Powerpoint Presentation & Notes.
Week 12 (Who is Jesus pt 2): In part two of this lesson, we continue our exploration of how the early church began to understand the work, person, humanity, and divinity of Christ, with specific emphasis on how the Roman government impacted the debate. Week 12 notes include: Powerpoint Presentation & Notes.
The Birth of the Church - Week 1
Jan 10, 2024 • Dr. Justin Kinsley
The Birth of the Church - Week 2
Jan 17, 2024 • Dr. Justin Kinsley
The Birth of the Church - Week 3
Jan 24, 2024 • Dr. Justin Kinsley
The Birth of the Church - Week 4
Jan 31, 2024 • Dr. Justin Kinsley
The Birth of the Church - Week 5
Feb 7, 2024 • Dr. Justin Kinsley
The Birth of the Church - Week 7
Feb 21, 2024 • Dr. Justin Kinsley
The Birth of the Church - Week 8
Feb 28, 2024 • Dr. Justin Kinsley
The Birth of the Church - Week 9
Mar 6, 2024 • Dr. Justin Kinsley
The Birth of the Church - Week 10
Mar 13, 2024 • Dr. Burge Troxell
The Birth of the Church - Week 11
Mar 27, 2024 • Dr. Justin Kinsley
The Birth of the Church - Week 12
Apr 10, 2024 • Dr. Justin Kinsley
How to Read Your Bible Well - Resources
Week 1 (Introduction to Hermeneutics): Join us as we begin to wade into the waters of biblical hermeneutics. Lesson 1 seeks to define the goal of hermeneutics as well as outline what books make up the Bible. Click Here for the Week 1 Powerpoint Presentation.
Week 2 (Contents of the Bible): The story of the Bible was written by one author conveying one story. This week's lesson seeks to explore the implications for that statement as we look at the contents of God's Word through the lens of Systematic and Biblical Theology. Click Here for the Week 2 Powerpoint Presentation.
Week 3 (Methods of Exegesis): Exegesis is the careful study of God's Word for the purpose of further understanding and proper application. This week we highlight several different methods of Exegesis to help you better read the scriptures. Click Here for the Week 3 Powerpoint Presentation.
Week 4 (Context is Key): To understand the Bible we have to understand the world of the Bible. Context is a very important part of connecting the dots of interpretation and should not be neglected when we read God's Word. Click Here for the Week 4 Powerpoint Presentation.
Week 5 (The Cultural Chasm): Continuing from the previous lesson, this week we continue to explore different areas of context that help drive the meaning of the biblical text. Click Here for the Week 5 Powerpoint Presentation.
Week 6: No video or presentation for this week.
Week 7 (The Literary Leap: Narratives & Poetry): The Bible is full of different literary genres, and our interpretation needs to take into account the methods and literary devices each biblical author uses to further the story found in God's Word. Click Here for the Week 7 Powerpoint Presentation.
Week 8 (The Literary Leap: Gospels & Epistles): The Bible is full of different literary genres, and our interpretation needs to take into account the methods and literary devices each biblical author uses to further the story found in God's Word. Click Here for the Week 8 Powerpoint Presentation.
Week 9 (The Grammatical Gulf): God chose to use the grammar of human language to communicate His message of hope and salvation to all mankind. Therefore, understanding the grammatical intricacies of God's Word is an important feature for any student of the Bible. Click Here for the Week 9 Powerpoint Presentation.
Week 10 (Biblical Theology & Application): How does the Bible use and interpret itself and how should we apply its message? These are the questions of Biblical Theology and Application. Click Here for the Week 10 Powerpoint Presentation.
Week 2 (Contents of the Bible): The story of the Bible was written by one author conveying one story. This week's lesson seeks to explore the implications for that statement as we look at the contents of God's Word through the lens of Systematic and Biblical Theology. Click Here for the Week 2 Powerpoint Presentation.
Week 3 (Methods of Exegesis): Exegesis is the careful study of God's Word for the purpose of further understanding and proper application. This week we highlight several different methods of Exegesis to help you better read the scriptures. Click Here for the Week 3 Powerpoint Presentation.
Week 4 (Context is Key): To understand the Bible we have to understand the world of the Bible. Context is a very important part of connecting the dots of interpretation and should not be neglected when we read God's Word. Click Here for the Week 4 Powerpoint Presentation.
Week 5 (The Cultural Chasm): Continuing from the previous lesson, this week we continue to explore different areas of context that help drive the meaning of the biblical text. Click Here for the Week 5 Powerpoint Presentation.
Week 6: No video or presentation for this week.
Week 7 (The Literary Leap: Narratives & Poetry): The Bible is full of different literary genres, and our interpretation needs to take into account the methods and literary devices each biblical author uses to further the story found in God's Word. Click Here for the Week 7 Powerpoint Presentation.
Week 8 (The Literary Leap: Gospels & Epistles): The Bible is full of different literary genres, and our interpretation needs to take into account the methods and literary devices each biblical author uses to further the story found in God's Word. Click Here for the Week 8 Powerpoint Presentation.
Week 9 (The Grammatical Gulf): God chose to use the grammar of human language to communicate His message of hope and salvation to all mankind. Therefore, understanding the grammatical intricacies of God's Word is an important feature for any student of the Bible. Click Here for the Week 9 Powerpoint Presentation.
Week 10 (Biblical Theology & Application): How does the Bible use and interpret itself and how should we apply its message? These are the questions of Biblical Theology and Application. Click Here for the Week 10 Powerpoint Presentation.
Week 1 (Introduction to Hermeneutics)
Aug 30, 2023 • Dr. Justin Kinsley
Week 2 (Contents of the Bible)
Sep 6, 2023 • Dr. Justin Kinsley
Week 3 (Methods of Exegesis)
Sep 13, 2023 • Dr. Justin Kinsley
Week 4 (Context is Key)
Sep 20, 2023 • Dr. Justin Kinsley
Week 5 (The Cultural Chasm)
Sep 27, 2023 • Dr. Justin Kinsley
Week 7 (The Literary Leap: Narratives & Poetry)
Oct 25, 2023 • Dr. Justin Kinsley
Week 8 (The Literary Leap: Gospels & Epistles)
Nov 1, 2023 • Dr. Justin Kinsley
Week 9 (The Grammatical Gulf)
Nov 8, 2023 • Dr. Justin Kinsley
Week 10 (Biblical Theology & Application)
Nov 15, 2023 • Dr. Justin Kinsley
Protestant Reformation - Resources
Week 1 (Conditions for Reform): Join us as we look into the conditions coming out of the medieval church that necessitated and led to the rise of the Reformers. Lesson 1 seeks to give students a lay of the land of the early 1500's in which the Reformation began. Week 1 documents include: Powerpoint Presentation & Notes.
Week 2 (Martin Luther's Life & Ministry pt1): The world was on the eve of reformation yet it would take one man to stand up for the truth of Scripture, and in God's providence Martin Luther was that man. Join us as we explore the first have of Martin Luther's life and ministry. Week 2 documents include: Powerpoint Presentation, Notes, & Luther's 95 Theses.
Week 3 (Martin Luther's Life & Ministry pt 2): The Ninety-Five Theses have been posted and the Reformation is on its way. In this lesson we seek to learn what happened to Luther after he nailed his grievances upon the church door of Wittenberg and how he faithfully led the church into what we now know as the Protestant Reformation. Week 3 documents include: Powerpoint Presentation & Notes.
Week 4 (Zwingli & the Anabaptists): In this week's lesson we will explore the details of the Swiss Reformation. Topics range from the life and ministry of Ulrich Zwingli to the reforms brought on by the Anabaptists. Week 4 documents include: Powerpoint Presentation & Zwingli's Reformation Timeline.
Week 5 (John Calvin's Life & Ministry): Join us this week as we dive into the life of the reformer and scholar John Calvin. More than just a simply promote a set of Protestant doctrines, Calvin helped push the Protestant Reformation along toward God's desired path for the Church. Week 5 documents include: Powerpoint Presentation & Notes.
Week 6: (What is Calvinism?)
Week 2 (Martin Luther's Life & Ministry pt1): The world was on the eve of reformation yet it would take one man to stand up for the truth of Scripture, and in God's providence Martin Luther was that man. Join us as we explore the first have of Martin Luther's life and ministry. Week 2 documents include: Powerpoint Presentation, Notes, & Luther's 95 Theses.
Week 3 (Martin Luther's Life & Ministry pt 2): The Ninety-Five Theses have been posted and the Reformation is on its way. In this lesson we seek to learn what happened to Luther after he nailed his grievances upon the church door of Wittenberg and how he faithfully led the church into what we now know as the Protestant Reformation. Week 3 documents include: Powerpoint Presentation & Notes.
Week 4 (Zwingli & the Anabaptists): In this week's lesson we will explore the details of the Swiss Reformation. Topics range from the life and ministry of Ulrich Zwingli to the reforms brought on by the Anabaptists. Week 4 documents include: Powerpoint Presentation & Zwingli's Reformation Timeline.
Week 5 (John Calvin's Life & Ministry): Join us this week as we dive into the life of the reformer and scholar John Calvin. More than just a simply promote a set of Protestant doctrines, Calvin helped push the Protestant Reformation along toward God's desired path for the Church. Week 5 documents include: Powerpoint Presentation & Notes.
Week 6: (What is Calvinism?)