The Men’s Ministry at Faith Bible Church exists to encourage and equip men of all generations through developing deeper relationships with God and each other,
spurring men to be Christ-centered leaders in their homes and in their communities,
and providing men opportunities to use their spiritual gifts for the glory of God.
Each month the Men’s Ministry host our “Man Up” Men’s Breakfast with Pastor Mark on the first Saturday of the month. This event features our Senior Pastor, Mark Hitchcock, a small group discussion time, and fellowship over breakfast. We would love to see you there!
Other Events Throughout the Year:
Additionally, please keep an eye out throughout the year for announcements of upcoming Men’s Ministry events.
These include:
These include:
- Men’s Bible Studies
- Men’s Night Outs
- Mission Opportunities!

Friday Afternoon
Prayer Fellowship
This group meets at the church on Friday afternoons at 3:30 in the Conference Room for a time of fellowship and prayer. They would love to meet you, and they invite you to come and pray with them on Friday afternoons!
The Journey
The Journey is a seasonal (Spring and Fall) weekly gathering of men who focus on strengthening various areas of a man’s life; relationship with God, marriage, fatherhood, purpose, legacy, etc. Deep relationships are developed as we discuss the study material and share together our journeys in life -- praying for and encouraging each other. Registration is in early September and January. Contact Justin Kinsley to get more information and to learn how to sign up for the next season.
Man Up - Men's Breakfast
On the first Saturday of every month at 8:30am men of all ages meet in the Chapel for breakfast to fellowship and grow in faith and leadership of their families and community.