Giving to Missions

Primary Missions Partners

Needs Remaining updated 3/13/2025

The Dawnu Project

Needs Remaining: $63,837

LightShine Ministries
(The Tarahumara)

Needs Remaining: $89,541

Jesse & Sam Skidmore

Needs Remaining: $15,753
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Sam and Jesse teach at Black Forest Academy (BFA) in Germany. BFA is an international Christian boarding school for the children of missionaries worldwide. Jesse teaches high school art and Samuel teaches middle school Bible.

How to Serve:
Give here (choose Sam and Jesse Skidmore).
Volunteer at an an outdoor education youth camping ministry in the Black Forest of Germany for a week (or two!) during July and/or August 2022. They need cooks and small group leaders/camp staff. Email Sam for more info.

How to Pray:
Pray for their students as they are living away from their families. Pray that they will have all they need to grow in faith, knowledge, health, and socially despite COVID restrictions and online learning.
Pray for Sam and Jesse to have ample opportunities to show and share Jesus with their students.
Pray that Sam and Jesse would teach well.

Connect with Sam and Jesse:
Say hi, get more info, or receive their newsletter updates by emailing Sam or Jesse.

Anna & Nick Y.
(South Asia)

Needs Remaining: $81,072
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FBC members involved in evangelism, discipleship and church planting in South Asia.

How to Serve:
Give here (choose Krista & Ryan)

How to Pray:
Email Tonya to receive their newsletter updates

More info or connecting with Krista & Ryan:
Email Tonya to receive their newsletter updates or to contact them.

Krista & Ryan
(South Asia)

Needs Remaining: $31,850
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FBC members involved in evangelism, discipleship and church planting in South Asia.

How to Serve:
Give here (choose Krista & Ryan)

How to Pray:
Email Tonya to receive their newsletter updates

More info or connecting with Krista & Ryan:
Email Tonya to receive their newsletter updates or to contact them.

YoungLife - Edmond

Needs Remaining: $14,185
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Young Life's mission is to introduce adolescents (middle school, high school, and college students) to Jesus Christ and help them grow in their faith. FBC member Paul Walker is the Director for Edmond.

How to Serve:
Volunteer Leader (faith mentor)
Wyld Life (middle school): one night/week
Young Life (high school): one night/week
Capernaum (high school students with special needs): one night every other week
Young Life College: one night/week
Edmond Committee (adult leadership, help with fundraisers and prayer): once/month
Parent Team (host or provide snacks, supplies for events; connectors with school administrators; provide support to staff and leaders)
Prayer Team - Receive updated prayer requests bi-weekly via text or email
Give Support through monthly or one time donations here (designate Area "OK26").

How to Pray:
Provision of volunteer leaders across our four ministries
Provision of financial support

More Information:
Fill out this form to volunteer or email Paul Walker (director and FBC member).

Faithworks of the Inner City

Needs Remaining: $264,798
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Started and directed by FBC member Sally Goin in 2003, FWIC is a community development ministry dedicated to families living in the Shidler-Wheeler neighborhood, located in southeast Oklahoma City. Their mission is to provide for the physical, educational, and spiritual needs of families. They provide after-school programs and a pre-school for children, a teen work program, employment for community families, educational and spiritual resources, opportunities for homeownership, and own and maintain a community thrift store.

How to Serve:
L.I.F.T. ( Learning Is Fun Together) - an enrichment program with 1st-4th graders; curriculum is provided. Each Thursday throughout the school year, 3p.m.- 4:30p.m. at FaithWorks of the Inner City Community Center, 1300 S. Byers Ave., OKC 73129
Shidler Ambassadors - assisting teachers at Shidler Elementary School with classroom preparations, encouragement, occasional faculty lunches and gifts, providing resources for classrooms. Volunteer time depends on needs of teacher assigned. Volunteers would work as a group resource for the school. Shidler Elementary School, 1415 S. Byers Ave., OKC 73129
"Specials" - "Special" class (30-45 min.) providing something "special" for children in after- school program at Faithworks: games, reading alound to them, drama, dance, singing, crafts, games, etc. Tuesdays 3:45-4:30p.m. at FaithWorks of the Inner City Community Center, 1300 S. Byers Ave., OKC 73129
Donations of gently used clothing (men, women, children), household items, furniture to the Shidler-Wheeler Thrift Store (owned and operated by FaithWorks of the Inner City)
Pickup and delivery person for larger items donated to the Shidler-Wheeler Thrift Store.

How to Pray:
Pray for our community to come to know Jesus Christ.
Pray for wisdom for our staff as we minister to this community and provision of needs.

More Information:
Email or call Sally Goin (405) 826-1911

Hope Pregnancy Center

Needs Remaining: $59,099
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Hope Pregnancy Center's mission is to help young men and women have hope and choose life in the midst of an unplanned pregnancy.

How to Serve:

Weekly Volunteering - Client care specialists provide accurate education on all pregnancy options, empowering moms and dads to make informed decisions. Nurse and sonographer volunteers. Empowered parenting mentors facilitate group and one-on-one parenting classes. Men, women and married couples needed. Boutique Workers. And interns! Volunteer application

Service project volunteers - Round up an ABF or small group and come help the center by getting our flower beds ready for spring, labeling Bibles to identify the gospel for our clients who do not know how to use the Bible, and/or hanging door knockers on apartment doors to reach college age students, bring dinner for our Monday night empowered parenting classes to bless moms and dads and handout information about Faith Bible Church. There are always new, current needs for a group!
Give here
Take a tour of the facility to be more aware and informed of the ministry!

How to Pray:
Clients would come to know the Lord when they hear the gospel message.
Clients who are in the midst of an unplanned pregnancy would choose life.

More Information:
Director Emilie Blount
(405) 330-0200

More info:
Facebook: PartnersforHope
For clients:

Oklahoma Jail & Prison Ministry

Needs Remaining: $15,550

STEP Seminary

Needs Remaining: $60,697
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STEP is a seminary in Port-au-Prince, Haiti which aims to prepare Haitian leaders to make disciples of Christ to transform their communities for the glory of God.

How to Serve:
Give here

How to Pray:
Pray that Christ would eradicate the false religion of voodoo on the island of Haiti.
Pray that the corrupt government would operate honestly and for the benefit of the people.
Pray that Hatians would come to know Christ as their Savior.

A video from President of STEP Seminary in Haiti Wandstrant (Wawa) Jean-Baptiste:
October 2021

More Info, schedule a visit, or to Connect with STEP liaison and FBC member, Dave Gallman: David Gallman (405-209-7643) or visit STEP's website

Faith Partners, Inc

Needs Remaining: $21,759
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Faith Partners, Inc., is a Christian ministry that seeks to partner with local churches around the world in carrying out the Great Commission (Matt. 28:19-20) through evangelism and discipleship, pastoral training, and practical service to the most vulnerable of society.

Faith Partners, Inc., was launched in 2015, two years after FBC member Scott Brinson began ministering in western Kenya. The name was chosen to reflect the partnership between believers here in the U.S. and our fellow-brethren in Kenya who share a common faith and a common vision of evangelizing the lost, discipling the saved, training local church leaders, and ministering to those most vulnerable and in need -- orphans, widows, and single mothers. To this end, Faith Partners sponsors Shepherds Bible Institute, a two-and-a-half year study program to equip Kenyan pastors and church leaders; ministers to 27 orphans who are without one or both parents; and seeks to assist widows and single mothers in starting their own businesses so that they can provide for themselves and their children. In addition, we conduct open-air evangelistic meetings and Bible classes in public schools.

How to Serve:
PRAY for the ministry. If you would like to receive the monthly prayerletter, you can do so via email or regular mail. Contact Scott Brinson if you would like to be added to the mailing list (405-201-6445, or
GIVE to the ministry. The primary areas of need include:
Funding for Shepherds Bible Institute when classes are in session (room, board, and study materials for the students, staff support, travel expenses);
Funding for our Benevolence ministry to provide food, clothing, and health services for those most in need.
Funding for the Orphans ministry (to provide for basic needs -- food, clothing, medical and educational needs. You can sponsor an orphan for $25-30 a month;
Funding for the Orphanage that will house up to 48 children (construction is about 75% complete);
Funding for a Microfinance program to provide small loans to widows and single mothers to assist them in starting their own businesses.
Funding for Scott Brinson's personal support.
GO with the ministry. As the ministry grows, there will be future opportunities to go with Scott to Kenya and be directly involved in teaching (adults, children, and Bible Institute students) and serving. Stay tuned!

How to Pray:
Pray for the growth (spiritually and numerically) of the Kenyan church, and for Pastors Elijah and Albert as they shepherd their local churches and oversee the Faith Partners mission in western Kenya -- that they will faithfully fulfill their calling to feed and lead with wisdom, discernment, love, and perseverance.
Pray for God to provide the funding needed to maintain and grow the ministry; specifically, funds to complete the orphanage ($15,000), construct a security wall ($8,000), purchase a ministry van ($20,000) and start a microfinance (small loan) program ($26,000).

Contact and Other Information
Phone: Scott Brinson (405) 201-6445

Crystal & Kenny M.
(SouthEast Asia)

Needs Remaining: $9,330
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Kenny and Crystal's vision is to see the church established among specific religious minority unreached people groups in South Asia. They do this by reading Scripture with followers of this religious minority group, sharing about Jesus, and partnering with local, near-culture believers who also have a heart to see this community reached.

How to Serve:
Give here (choose Kenny and Crystal).
Join a short term team to prayer walk through their city and catch a vision for what they pray the Lord will do

How to Pray:
Pray for the Lord to raise up more teammates and/or national partners to minister with them.
Pray that as they invite people to read and study Scripture that there would be a genuine interest.

More Info or Connect with K&C:
Email Tonya to receive their newsletter updates or get in contact with K&C.

Brooke & Corey Makeever

Needs Remaining: $38,425
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StuMo's purpose is to build leaders for Christ from the college campuses of the world. The UCO staff team evangelizes, establishes students in their faith, and equips them to be spiritual leaders for the rest of their lives. Corey and Brooke Makeever, Leah Salas, and Deven Huddleston are all FBC members and are full-time staff members for UCO StuMo (Student Mobilization).

How to Serve:
StuMo Conference (SMC) Volunteer - Every January 2-5, StuMo hosts a national conference in Dallas for thousands of college students.
Meals - Approximately 40 student leaders gather bi-weekly for trainings.
Give - Click here to donate to Corey and Brooke Makeever, Leah Salas, or Deven Huddleston.

How to Pray:
Pray that the StuMo staff and student leaders would faithfully walk with Jesus and make disciples.
Pray that God would raise up leaders from all social spheres on campus.

More Information:
Email Deven Huddleston if you are interested in serving.
For updates and current prayer needs or more info, email a request to be added to their newsletters:


Gatlin Goodson

Needs Remaining: $5,600

STUMO Summer
(UCO Campus Funds, Kaleo, & Mission Trips)

Needs Remaining: $28,675

Leah (Salas) & Matt Fisher

Needs Remaining: $10,139

Taylor Harrison
(STUMO - Miss. State)

Needs Remaining: $13,345

Hailee Krupp

Needs Remaining: $7,251

Intentional Giving

Faith Bible chooses to empower our congregation to give to our missionaries directly, through designated giving, instead of the church leadership choosing where to send funds.

You can give to a missionary by writing the amount you want to give in the memo of your check when you place it into our offering slots located throughout the church building or you if you give online, you will designate your gift towards the mission partner(s) of your choice through the drop down menu. Click here to give online.

Service Opportunities

  • Tarahumara People - We send a few Mission Teams per year to minister alongside the Tarahumara People of Mexico. We also have Sponsorship opportunities for the children that we are ministering to in a certain community. More information here.
  • Advocacy Teams - or "A-Teams" are a small team of FBC members who support our Missionaries and Partnering Organizations through prayer, encouragement, communication, and advocacy.  If you are interested in joining an A-Team, email
  • Missions Prayer - Every Sunday morning at 8:45am - Room E4
  • Evangelism Training – Periodically.
  • Afghans in OKC - opportunities for service, friendship, and ministry with Afghan refugees in OKC.